Saturday, July 18, 2009


I started to write a blog, but I just realized it was ridiculously out of whack due to lack of sleep. I've been up nearly 21 hours now. Way too long. So, here's a run down of what's going on in my world.

Had a tour yesterday. I held a big-ass gun.
My friends came into town.
We ate at Five Guys Burgers and Fries. Best hamburger ever. Grandma would LOVE it.
Hung out at my apartment.
Played insomniac.
Woke up at 5:30 after 3 hours of sleep.
Set up my first real interview for a post-grad job.
Accidental three-minute power nap at my desk.
Attempted real nap after work. Failed.
Went to dinner at Piola. Had the best gnocchi ever. That was one of the foods Joe introduced me to in San Francisco at this little restaurant near his apartment. It is amazing.
Saw Harry Potter. I'd write more about that but I don't think anyone who reads this actually cares about the movie. It was funny but also strayed considerable from the book. Okay, that's all I'm really writing.
Now I'm back and it's 2:30 in the morning. I really need to go to bed so on that note. GOOD NIGHT.


  1. You had never eaten at a "Five Guys"? They are awesome. Reminds me of the burgers that Grandpa Javins used to make for us. They rock! Indy has a couple, we'll have to eat there sometime when you are up visiting Bry and I. :)

  2. Five Guys is AMAZING... There was one across the street from me in FL... And now we have one down the street in Cincy! Woot!
