Monday, June 8, 2009

First Day

Today was my first day on the internship. We all went to headquarters for day one of a two day orientation. It was mildly amusing/boring. The speakers were funny, but at the same time it did last from 8AM to 4:30PM. We have another day of it tomorrow and then the real stuff starts on Wednesday. Sunday we took the train into the city to check out where we'd be going and then wandered around. We ate at this little place called Cocina Mexicana. Well, I didn't eat because I still felt kind of sick. It was more of a tapas restaurant than what we think of as Mexican food in Terre Haute. Last night we watched the Tony awards. Neil Patrick Harris was the host and I <3> I got up at 6:30 (yes, I did) this morning and we took the train in. We don't have to do any transfers to get where we're going so that's nice. The roommates are pretty cool. I'm home now and going to go upstairs soon to fix dinner as soon as I edit and upload some pictures for y'all. They'll be up soon. Miss you all! Hope you can come out sometime.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you made it ok. Hope you are feeling better. I can't believe you got up at 6:30 in the morning. Welcome to the real world. I knew that you could do it. Looking forward to hearing of your adventures and about your job. Also looking forward to seeing more pictures. Take care.

    Love, Uncle Merv and Aunt Dee
